Optimism and unrealistic investors

Optimism and unrealistic investor minds

Your investing mind matters so be aware optimism and unrealistic investors, can produce huge losses. To manage well investors need a realistic, knowledgeable outlook. Today we discuss the need for reasonable optimism and acceptance of market reality.

This lesson 8 of the Market Mind of Superior Investors continues the discussion of emotions and psychological aspects of investing.  Links at the end guide you to related content if you want to learn more.

 Optimism and unrealistic investors

6. Optimism: One great characteristic of most people is their optimism. We give each other the benefit of the doubt and look for the best.

Optimism is certainly justified in the markets. Most of the time, most of the listed operating companies produce mostly positive results. It is very typical to have about 3 out of 4 or 75% of listed companies reporting good or better than expected results. That justifies optimism, most of the time for most companies.

But bad stuff happens. There are bad companies, bad managements and sometimes, unexpectedly bad results.

Solution: When bad happens we can cope. If the stop is hit, sell. Do not ride a stock down. That sinks dreams. Sell and be grateful that you can count your blessings and your cash. Staying invested in such a stock will make you poorer as a person and an investor.

Markets go up most of the time
Most times most markets go up! But never always! Informed investors are realistic.

7. Running with the herd: If the markets were rational and people left their emotions out of the market, herd mentality could not exist. It does. It is entirely an emotional phenomenon and an extremely risky behavior. Indulging in this drug can give your portfolio a fatal overdose.

Solution: Think. Play your own game. Walk your own path. When “irrational exuberance” shows up, play near the door and be ready to grab your money and run out the exit. We can return and play another day.

8. Changing yesterday: We may want to kick somebody or ourselves for yesterday’s mistakes. But we can’t change the past. Our mistakes and losses are real. Accept it. Pick yourself up and deal with it.

Solution: Act on what exists now. Look forward to where you want to go. Put the past where it belongs, in the past.

Do not chase losses with more money. Never, ever under any circumstances average down. That increases the amount of dead money and it freezes any upside potential. Averaging down also means you take on an unknown opportunity cost.

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Related: Optimism and unrealistic investors

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Market mind of superior investors, lesson links:

Introduction to Market mind of superior investors Lesson 1

Thinking investors grow money Lesson 2

Girls make winning investors Lesson 3

3 Wealth assassins lurk Lesson 4

Irrational behavior in normal markets Lesson 5

Mental blocks paralyze returns Lesson 6

Attached stubborn helpless investor Lesson 7

Optimism and unrealistic investor minds Lesson 8

Muddled minds harm investors Lesson 9

Next lesson 9:

Muddled minds harm investors lists 4 ways investors succeed. They get help, learn, assess risk and set goals to get superior investing results!
Have a prosperous investor day!
White Top Investor
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© 2013-19 Bryan Kelly

About the author 

Bryan Kelly

Bryan Kelly made the White Top Investor mission, investing for all, by sharing his investment knowledge learned in decades of stock market investing. His knowledge and experience are shared in 5 Ultimate Investing Success Guides. White Top Investor lessons teach new investors how to make money work investing in the stock market. Lessons guide beginners to investing success, individual freedom, personal empowerment, and financial independence. For more see the White Top Investor About page.

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